Domain Name Renewal in the gTLDs, New gTLDs and Foreign ccTLDs (Rucenter is the Registrar)

The service can be renewed in the «Operations» → «Renew services» section in your personal account. 60 calendar days prior to the domain expiration date (no later than 30 days since registration term expired) for any period of time divisible by one year while the whole prolongation term can't exceed 10 years.

The notification about the necessity of service renewal is sent to the Customer two months before the service expiration date.

Money funds for the service renewal are blocked automatically on the Customer's Service Agreement Personal Account 8 days before the service expiration date. The Customer can unblock the service on his own, i.e. cancel the renewal or restore the agreement for renewal before the moment of domain name registration prolongation in the Registry.

If the Customer agrees to renew the service, the money is charged-off from the Personal Account in order to pay for the renewal and the service validity term is prolonged for 1 year 1 day before the service validity term expires.

In case of cancellation of domain name renewal in the gTLDs and Foreign ccTLDs the money remains on the Customer's Service Agreement Personal Account and Rucenter stops the service provision (cancels domain name delegation) after domain name registration expiration date.

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