Register domain in .moscow zone

.moscow — a domain that is created for the formation of unified information space of the city in the Network and support the online brand of the capital. Domain names suitable for urban projects and resources focused on Moscow Metropolitan market and audience.


«Domain + Domain».shop domains -83%Russian and Cyrillic DomainsFinanceMedia, Information, CatalogsStores, ServicesFashion and StyleIndustry and Technology18+Food, Drinks, Restaurants GeodomainsPremium DomainsTravel and TourismDomain Store directoryCorporate DomainsScience, Education and CareerArt, EntertainmentMovies, Music, TVHealth and SportsConstruction and Real EstateFamily, HobbiesConsulting and AdvertisingColorsPhoto and VideoITEventsPolitics and SocietyForeign DomainsGeneric
  • Domain zones