Domain security levels

Options to protect and secure your key online assets.
Free for all domains by default
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • 24/7 technical support
  • Automatic renewal
  • Email notifications for renewals and standard transactions
Additional domain control options
31.08 $/year
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • 24/7 technical support
  • Automatic renewal
  • Email notifications for renewals and standard transactions
  • Urgent SMS notifications about settings changes
  • Whois Spam Protection
  • Claim notifications
Maximum domain security level
46.80 $/year
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • 24/7 technical support
  • Automatic renewal
  • Email notifications for renewals and standard transactions
  • Urgent SMS notifications about settings changes
  • Whois Spam Protection
  • Claim notifications
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Restricting domain operations
  • Monitoring Whois requests

We pay special attention to security and maintain stable operation of our customers' domains and websites. By default, all domains have the Essential security level. Enhanced and Maximum levels include advanced options for protection and security your key online assets. 

Rucenter is officially accredited by the Coordination Center for TLD RU/РФ and ICANN, an international corporation managing the address space of the internet, and has all the necessary certificates and licenses to carry out domain name registration and communication services. Rucenter's professional liability is insured by Sber Insurance for 500 million rubles.

Have full control over everything that happens to your domain: email notifications and emergency SMS alerts, monitoring of Whois queries, third-party claim notifications, two-factor confirmation of domain actions, and other security options.

Frequently asked questions

Which security level do I choose?

Choose the level featuring the set of options that best suits you. The Enhanced level includes additional domain control options. The full set of security options is available under the Maximum level.

What is the Essential domain security level?

By default, all Rucenter domains have the Essential security level. It is provided for free for the entire domain registration term and cannot be disabled.

What are the effective terms of Maximum and Enhanced levels?

Enhanced and Maximum security levels are effective from the moment they are enabled until the domain expiration date. The level enabling fee is fixed and does not depend on the date on which it is enabled.

How do I set up security options?

To set up security options, select the domain in your personal account in the "Active Services" section and go to the "Security" tab.

What will happen if I switch back to the Essential security level?

Additional security options and services will cease to be active for the domain and such options and services will be reset to default settings.

Still have questions?

All frequently asked questions about domain security levels.