GlobalSign (DV SSL)

Basic SSL certificates by a leading Japanese provider.
GlobalSign DomainSSL
171.95 $/year
  • Assurance
  • Available for
    Individuals, Legal Entities and Sole Traders
  • Type
    Domain Validation
  • Domains Included
    1 domain
  • Validation Level
GlobalSign DomainSSL Wildcard
482.12 $/year
  • Assurance
  • Available for
    Individuals, Legal Entities and Sole Traders
  • Type
    Domain Validation
  • Domains Included
    1 + all one-level subdomains
  • Validation Level

DV (Domain Validation) certificates verify only domain name ownership. This type of certificates is the simplest one. The validation procedure doesn't last long — a confirmation link is sent to an e-mail address on the domain for which a certificate is ordered. After clicking on the link, the certificate is issued automatically.

Established in 1996, GlobalSign is headquartered in Tokyo. The brand offers advanced web server security solutions. GlobalSign has issued over 2.5m SSL certificates globally. 

GlobalSign DomainSSL is a basic SSL certificate verifying only a domain name. Available to individuals and legal entities. The certificate is issued for one domain (in case of a second-level domain, the certificate protects the domain itself and its subdomain with www).

GlobalSign DomainSSL Wildcard certifies only domain names and is available for legal entities and individuals. Protects not only the main domain, but also all of its subdomains of the same level.