GlobalSign (EV SSL)

Extended protection from the largest Japanese certificate provider.
GlobalSign ExtendedSSL SAN (up to 5 domains)
1 891.37 $/year
  • Assurance
    Very high
  • Available for
    Legal Entities
  • Type
    Organization Validation
  • Domains Included
    1 + 99 additional domains
  • Validation Level
GlobalSign ExtendedSSL
861.40 $/year
  • Assurance
    Very high
  • Available for
    Legal Entities
  • Type
    Organization Validation
  • Domains Included
    1 domain
  • Validation Level

EV (Extended Validation) certificates verify domain ownership and legal existence of an organization. Before a certificate is issued, a legal entity and its activities are verified as thoroughly as possible.

Established in 1996, GlobalSign is headquartered in Tokyo. The brand offers advanced web server security solutions. GlobalSign has issued over 2.5m SSL certificates globally. 

GlobalSign ExtendedSSL is the brand’s most reliable certificate with extended validation for legal entities. It features green browser address bar indicating the name of the company and the certification authority, the status and validity period of the certificate. The certificate is issued for one domain (in case of a second-level domain, the certificate protects the domain itself and its subdomain with www).