«Advanced» price plan

A bundle of options for key domain management and website monitoring.

Domain name registration renewal

Domain renewal in the Registry for the following year. 

Domain ownership certificate

Original domain ownership certificate bearing a wet stamp and signature. The certificate is issued in the office or mailed to your postal address upon request.

Special terms during the renewal grace period

Renewal of the domain in the Registry without the price increase after the period of registration on special terms expires. 

Immediate website enabling

Immediate enabling of the domain and all related services after the renewal of an expired domain name. 

Emergency alerts

Text message notification 3 days prior to the expiry of domain registration, once the domain delegation is suspended, or 24 hours prior to the domain deletion. 

Priority service

Consultations and other services in Rucenter offices without the need to wait in line. 

Preparation of documents for registrant change

Rucenter's staff will prepare the domain ownership transfer application to speed up the transfer process. 

Free change of registrant

100% discount on domain ownership transfer to another owner. 

Premium DNS

Easy-to-use online editor for managing DNS resource records. 

Website monitoring

Service for monitoring website availability and ensuring prompt email notices and virus protection using Yandex's and Google's databases. 

The price plan is available on the domain page 60 days prior to the end of the domain registration period. You can select or change the price plan before the funds are debited. 
