Welcome to Rucenter!

Thank you for choosing our company. This page contains our solutions for successful operation of your business online. Select and renew services to save on subsequent orders: 20% of all payments are credited to your bonus account*

Website creation

Website support and development

About us

  • Rucenter
    by number of legal entities acting as registrants according to statdom.ru, 2020
    Russian domain name registrar for business
  • 7.6 MILLIONregistered domain names
  • 24 YEARSof website security for business
  • 500 MILLION RUBliability is insured
  • 24X7support

Useful links 

* Cashback bonuses are valid for a year from the date of accrual, they can be used to pay up to 20% of the cost of the subsequent new orders. When calculating cashback bonuses, payments for renewal services are not taken into account.
