Due to the transition to the new domain registration service provider Ascio Technologies, Inc. Danmark, on January 27, RU-CENTER modifies the timeframes for placing domain renewal orders, allocating money for domain renewal, and canceling domain renewal in the following TLDs: .af, .ba, .bh, .cat, .cm, .co.ck, .co.tz, .com.eg, .com.gt, .com.fj, .com.ng, .com.ni, .com.om, .com.sa, .com.sv, .com.uy, .coop, .dj, .dm, .hm, .ht, .ir, .jo, .ms, .my, .ph, .rs, .sl, .st, and .tn.
As a result of termination of the Microsoft SPLA, Microsoft software licenses are no longer available as part of the dedicated server service.
The USD prices for a number of services have also been adjusted.
Please note that an order for registration of a released domain name will be activated only after the commencement of a price plan's validity period.
Due to the changes, new versions of the following documents will come into effect:
Service Agreement
Addendum 1: List of Services
Addendum 2: Pricing
Addendum 1 to Schedule 1/17: Package service pricing
Schedule 1/18: Domain Backorder Schedule
Schedule 1/22: Domain Names Registration Schedule in Worldwide Domains:
Addendum 2 to Schedule 1/22: Timeframes for placing domain renewal orders, allocating money for domain renewal, and canceling domain renewal in worldwide domains
Schedule 1/36: Club Program Status Service Schedule
Multiple Services Contract
Addendum 1: List of Services
Addendum 2: Pricing
Schedule 1/18: Domain Backorder Schedule
Schedule 1/22: Domain Names Registration Schedule in Worldwide Domains:
Addendum 2 to Schedule 1/22: Timeframes for placing domain renewal orders, allocating money for domain renewal, and canceling domain renewal in worldwide domains