Changes to RU-CENTER's policies

RU-CENTER's Domain Store now accepts orders for domains under a temporary lock due to a recent change of registrant. The domain ownership right will be transferred and the deal completed once the lock is removed.

From February 11, the service agreements will be deemed concluded for cases when the obligations on assisting in receipt of services are transferred directly to RU-CENTER from the Partner whose contract has been terminated.

From February 15, RU-CENTER customers will be able to receive legal advice on domains and related issues from Semenov & Pevzner.

In addition, from February 15, registration, renewal and registrar change fees for .berlin and renewal and registrar change fees for .me domains will change.

Due to the changes, new versions of the following documents will come into effect:

Service Agreement

The Service Agreement for individuals

The Service Agreement for legal entities

Addenda to the Service Agreement

Addendum 3: Consent to Personal Data Processing

Addendum 2: Pricing

Addendum 1 to Schedule 1/22: Pricing for Domain Names in Worldwide Domains

Schedule 1/33: Domain Store Schedule

Schedule 1/33-1: Domain Store Schedule

  1. version effective February 11, 2021.

Addendum 1 to Schedule 1/36: Discounts applied to retail rates for different types of services depending on the Status Category

Addenda to the Multiple Services Contract

Addendum 2: Pricing

Addendum 1 to Schedule 1/22: Pricing for Domain Names in Worldwide Domains

Schedule 1/33: Domain Store Schedule

Schedule 1/33-1: Domain Store Schedule

Addendum 1 to Schedule 1/36: Discounts applied to retail rates for different types of services depending on the Status Category
