About Multi-administration service

The Multi-administration service allows you to combine an unlimited number of registrant agreements under a single common one for the more convenient management of services. You may use an existing agreement as the master agreement or create a new one. A single agreement allows you to manage existing registrant agreements and add new ones.

The Multi-administration service is free of charge for customers who have subscribed to one of the corporate price plans. If you have not subscribed to a price plan, the service can be ordered at general rates.

The Multi-administration service is suited to large companies with multiple teams, as it makes it possible to separate services for different projects and provide a dedicated access to individual user accounts. The service also allows you to optimize the costs of management agreements. Payment for services under all agreements is made from the account balance of the master management agreement. The cost of services depends on a price plan or is calculated at general rates.

The Multi-administration service is valid for one year from the date of activation and has to be renewed afterward.

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