Agreement to enable Automatic Service from Rucenter

RU-CENTER Autopayment Service Agreement

  • Terms and definitions:
    • Electronic payment system (payment system) means a system consisting of software and hardware that ensures informational and technical interaction between users of this system for making payments on the Internet, e.g., for transactions between the Customer and the Contractor.

    • SMS notification (Short Messaging Service) means the notification using the mobile text messaging.

    • Customer's Personal Account means a record of the Customer's payments to the Contractor and the Contractor's services consumed by the Customer. Any payment made by the Customer will be credited to its Personal Account after the funds are received in the Contractor's settlement account, subject to the Contractor's receipt of documents identifying the payment. When a service is provided to the Customer (or renewed), the funds are debited from its Personal Account in accordance with the procedure stipulated in the applicable service schedule.

  • Autopayment service means access to the system for automated recharging of the Personal Account from the Customer's account in one of the payment systems listed in Clause 4 hereof with the amount required to renew the services that are soon-to-be-expired or already expired (before the deletion of such services) in accordance with the Service Agreement and applicable service schedules. The funds shall be debited from the Customer's account in the applicable payment system no earlier than 8 (eight) calendar days prior to the expiration of the registration term of the applicable domain name and/or service.
  • Autopayment service is provided free of charge.
  • The Customer may use the following payment systems in Autopayment service to enable auto-recharge of the Personal Account:
    • Visa/MasterCard;
    • PayPal;
    • Yandex.Money;
    • WebMoney.
  • Subscription for auto-recharge of the Personal Account in Autopayment service shall be made as follows:
    • - on the Contractor's web server (hereinafter, "Contractor's Web Server") in the "Manage your account" section: "Recharge your account" in "Autopayment" tab. When subscribing, you need to set the maximum amount that can be debited;
    • - on the Contractor's Web Server, when making a payment for services using one of the payment systems listed in Clause 4 hereof, by putting the "√" sign in the "Enable autopayment" field after getting the message "Payment successfully completed". By default, the maximum amount is set at RUB 10,000 (ten thousand Russian rubles) during the subscription.
  • By enabling Autopayment service, the Customer gives its consent to auto-debiting of funds for payment for domain names and services that the Customer receives under the Service Agreement throughout the entire term of the Service Agreement until the Customer turns off Autopayment service in accordance with Clause 15 hereof.
  • The Customer can change the maximum amount on the Contractor's Web Server in the "Manage your account" section: "Recharge your account" in "Autopayment" tab. The maximum amount of a single payment cannot exceed RUB 10,000 (ten thousand Russian rubles). The total amount of autopayment within a single calendar month cannot exceed RUB 30,000 (thirty thousand Russian rubles).
  • If for some reason automatic transfer of funds fails, the Customer will be notified thereof by email and/or SMS notification delivered to the Customer's mobile phone number. The next attempt of autopayment will be made on the next calendar day. Failure to make an autopayment within 14 (fourteen) calendar days after the first attempt shall be deemed the Customer's cancellation of Autopayment service.
  • Autopayment service shall be delivered "as is" and shall not be fee-based. The provisions of the Russian consumer protection laws shall not be applied to these relations between the Customer and the Contractor.
  • The Contractor shall not be held liable for any damages or losses of the Customer caused by late renewal of services due to unavailability of Autopayment service and/or failure to make automatic debiting of funds.
  • Subscription for automatic recharging of the Personal Account in Autopayment service through PayPal or Yandex.Money payment systems made on the Contractor's Web Server in the "Manage your account" section ("Recharge your account") shall be confirmed in the applicable payment system's account manager.
  • Subscription for auto-recharge of the Personal Account in Autopayment service through Visa/MasterCard card made on the Contractor's Web Server in the "Manage your account" ("Recharge your account") shall be confirmed by test payment for the amount selected by the Customer but no less than RUB 1 (one Russian ruble).
  • Subscription for auto-recharge of the Personal Account shall be valid:
    • for Visa/MasterCard: 365 (three hundred sixty-five) days after the last payment made through Autopayment service;
    • for PayPal: for an unlimited term;
    • for Yandex.Money: as determined by the Customer;
    • for WebMoney: for an unlimited term.
  • The Contractor shall send an email notice to the Customer about the need to renew the subscription for auto-recharge of the Personal Account in Autopayment service 14 (fourteen) calendar days before the expiration of the said subscription.
  • The Customer may at any moment cancel Autopayment service on the Contractor's Web Server in the "Manage your account" section ("Recharge your account" in "Autopayment" tab) by clicking the "disable" button. After Autopayment service is canceled, the auto-debiting of funds will be suspended. Fees for domain names and services can then be paid using any methods available on the Contractor's Web Server in the "Manage your account" section ("Recharge your account").

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