Cancellation of service renewal

Cancellation of service renewal

Two month prior to service period expiration, clients can cancel its renewal.

Cancellation of service renewal and its switching on can be done in "Manage your account" section → "Services: Renew services" by checkmarking or removing checkmarks.
Removed checkmark means cancellation of service renewal.

Switching off the service

During the whole service period, the Customer can switch on/off the service.

  • To switch off domains, Registrant needs to stop delegating them in the "Manage your account" section → My domains" (for gTLDs and foreign ccTLDs Registrant has to delegate domain with an empty list of DNS servers).
  • For other services, switching off can be done on this page: "Services → Review and update data".

Switching off the service does not cause changing the service period and does not mean cancellation of service renewal.

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