Description of the Domain Setup service

Domain Setup means a service on the modification of technical parameters of your domain name. You can order the service by submitting an application specifying necessary settings on the service page. As part of the service, Rucenter technical support team will perform the following operations for your domain:

  • DNS servers

The application should specify a list of DNS servers to which you want to delegate the domain and their IP addresses if domain is being delegated to child DNS servers. You can also suspend domain delegation by means of an application. •

  • Zone file records

For resource records to be entered into a zone file, the application should list all the parameters that need to be changed: host name, record values, or record type (A, MX, TXT, CNAME). The setup can be performed if the DNS Hosting service is enabled for your domain.

  • Email and website connections

The application should indicate the names and IP addresses of DNS servers (normally at least two) required for website and mail operation.

  • Subdomains

Rucenter specialists will delegate your subdomains to separate DNS servers for individual zone control. Domains are delegated to at least two DNS servers, which should be specified in the service application. Additionally, the names and IP addresses of DNS servers can be required if delegation is made to DNS servers on the same domain. The setup can be performed if the DNS Hosting service is enabled for your domain.


To configure DNSSEC for .ru, .rf, and .su TLDs, specify DNSKEY and DS records in your application. For gTLDs and non-Russian ccTLDs, it is enough to specify only DS records. For correct DNSSEC operation, list DS records for the key that was or will soon be used to sign the zone of a second-level domain. Supported key generation algorithms: DSA/SHA-1 RSA/SHA-1 DSA-NSEC3-SHA1 RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1 RSA/SHA-256 RSA/SHA-512 GOST R 34.10-2001 ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-256 ECDSA Curve P-384 with SHA-384;

  • Secondary service setup

To set up the service, the application should specify the names of DNS servers used for domain delegation, as well as the IP address of the primary DNS server from which the zone file for the domain should be obtained. The setup can be performed if the DNS Hosting service is enabled for your domain.

  • Domain redirection

To enable redirection of visitors from the domain to the required website, the application should specify the webpage address to which they will be redirected. In addition, you can specify second-, third-level domains, etc. from which visitors will be redirected. You can also set up temporary redirect, permanent redirect, or conceal the address from which redirection is carried out. The setup can be performed if the Domain Redirection service is enabled for your domain.

To enable mail redirection, you need to specify a valid email address in the application. All messages sent to mailboxes on your domain will be redirected to the email address on another domain specified by you. You can also specify a list of email addresses on your domain and the respective list of valid addresses on another domain to which messages should be redirected. Please also indicate in which way messages not specified in redirect rules should be treated — deleted or redirected to another address. The setup can be performed if the Mail Redirection service is enabled for your domain.

The Domain Setup service can only be provided if there are sufficient funds in your personal account.

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