.ru, .su and .рф domains
Third-level domains
International and foreign domains
Removing delegation (disabling) of the .ru, .su and .рф for non-payment
If the domain renewal is not paid for before the registration deadline, the domain is disabled on the day specified in the paid-till field in the Whois service. If the planned shutdown date falls on a weekend or a public holiday, the domain shutdown is postponed to the first business day after the weekend. The date is specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
After the domain is disabled, all http requests are redirected to a service page with information about the temporary termination of access to the domain. If you do not want the service page to be displayed after disabling the .ru or .рф domain, write to us at support@nic.ru .
You can renew the domain within 30 days after the registration deadline (preferential renewal period). After the extension, the functionality of the website and mail resumes automatically.
Removal of .ru, .su and .рф domains for non-payment
If the renewal of the .ru, .su and .рф domains is not paid during the preferential renewal period, the registration is canceled (the domain is released) on the day indicated in the free-date field in the Whois service. If the scheduled date for domain release falls on a weekend or public holiday, domain release is postponed to the second business day after the weekend or public holidays. The date is specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
Rucenter can delete the domain.su at any time after the scheduled release date (free-date). If this does not happen, the domains are automatically deleted by the Technical Center.
Rucenter provides a service for registration of .ru, .su, and .рф domains subject to exemption. Rules for submitting applications for registration of exempt domains .ru, .su, .рф.
Removal of delegation (disconnection) of third-level domains for non-payment
If the domains are renewed .com.ru , .exnet.su , ru.net and the geodomains are not paid before the registration deadline date — the domain is disabled on the day specified in the Registry Expiration Date field in the Whois service. If the planned shutdown date falls on a weekend or a public holiday, the domain shutdown is postponed to the second business day after the weekend. The date is specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
After disabling the domains .com.ru , .exnet.su , ru.net and for geodomains, all http requests are redirected to a service page with information about the temporary termination of access to the domain.
If the domains are renewed net.ru , .org.ru and pp.ru not paid before the registration deadline — the domain is disabled on the day specified in the paid-till field in the Whois service. The date is specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
After disabling domains net.ru , .org.ru and pp.ru all http requests are redirected to the official website of the Domain Administrator. net.ru , .org.ru and pp.ru — ANO «ЦВКС «МСК-IX».
Third-level domains can be renewed within 30 days after the registration deadline (preferential renewal period). After the extension, the functionality of the website and mail resumes automatically.
Removal of third-level domains for non-payment
If the domains are renewed .com.ru , .exnet.su , ru.net if the geodomains are not paid during the preferential renewal period, the registration is canceled (the domain is released) one day later than the planned release date, unless the day of deletion falls on a non-working day or the day following a non-working day (otherwise, deletion is performed on the second business day after the weekend).
If domain registration is extended net.ru , .org.ru and pp.ru unpaid during the preferential renewal period, the registration is cancelled (the domain is released) on the day indicated in the free-date field in the Whois service. If the scheduled date for domain release falls on a weekend or public holiday, domain release is postponed to the second business day after the weekend or public holidays.
Rucenter provides a service for registering geodomains and domains.com.ru , to be released. Rules for submitting applications for registration of vacated third-level domains.
Removing delegation (disabling) of international and foreign domains for non-payment
If the renewal of an international or foreign domain is not paid for before the registration deadline, the domain is disabled the day after the date specified in the Expiration Date field in the Whois service. If the planned shutdown date falls on a weekend or a public holiday, the domain shutdown is postponed to the second business day after the weekend. The date is specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
You can renew the domain within 30 days after the registration deadline (preferential renewal period). After the extension, the functionality of the website and mail resumes automatically.
Removal of international and foreign domains for non-payment
If the renewal of an international or foreign domain is not paid for during the preferential renewal period (30 days after the registration deadline), the Registry starts the domain deletion procedure. If the deletion date falls on a weekend or a public holiday, the start of the domain deletion procedure is postponed to the second business day after the weekend.
The procedure for deleting a domain in the Registry lasts 35 days*. The registry sets the RedemptionPeriod status for the domain in the Whois service for 30 days.
The start date of the thirty-day period is indicated in the Whois service in the Updated Date field.
Within 25 days from the beginning of the thirty-day deletion period, the domain can be restored and extended (except for the .hn, .kz domains) at the request of the Domain Administrator (owner).
If the domain has not been restored and renewed, it is deleted from the Registry 5 days after the expiration of the redemptionPeriod. For such a domain, the status of PendingDelete is set in the Whois service. A domain with this status cannot be restored, extended, or registered.
After deletion, the domain can be registered by any person.
* The exceptions are:
• domains .hn — the deletion procedure lasts 15 days, and the domain cannot be restored or extended during this period;
• domains .name — deleted after 30 days after the end of the registration period;
• domains .kz — deleted after 20 days after the end of the registration period.