The .RU and .РФ domains have a first-to-claim domain name registration procedure. The Registrar is not authorised to verify the domain names claimed for registration as to their identity with any objects, including the exclusive right objects (for instance, trademarks, company names, etc.) prior to the registration. In accordance with Section 3.1.3. of the Terms and Conditions of Domain Names Registration in Domains .RU and .РФ, "Whereas the Registrar may not refuse to register the selected by the Registrant domain name on the grounds not provided for by the present Terms and conditions, the Registrant (Administrator) shall be held responsible on his own for selection of the domain name and possible infringements of the third parties' rights in relation to selection and usage of the domain name. As well, the Registrant shall bear the risk of losses associated with such infringements.
In the event the third parties bring a law suit against the Registrar (Coordinator (i.e. Registry)) in connection with registration or usage of the domain name by the Administrator, the Administrator is bound, on their request, to reimburse the Registrar (Coordinator's) losses (including legal assistance and legal representation costs) incurred by the Registrar or Coordinator in conjunction with this lawsuit."
If you believe a Registrant of a domain name registered in the TLDs .RU or .РФ infringes your legitimate rights and/or interests, we recommend you, first of all, addressing directly the Registrant in question.
Public data about Registrants and domain names is available at the Whois service. Full information about domain name owners stored in the .RU and .РФ Registries may only be provided by the Registrar at the request from the law enforcement authorities and from the Russian courts, in cases and using procedures provided for by the laws in effect in the Russian Federation.
We recommend the following steps for dispute resolution in relation to the use of domain names in the TLDs .RU and .РФ:
Registry and registrars performing providing domain registration services are not involved as parties to any domain name disputes. At the request of an interested party, registrar may provide to the court reliable information on the domain name registration. Besides, the dispute settlement process may include imposing a ban on any domain ownership transfer, but only when it is compiled with the procedure specified in the laws, i.e., in case the interested party involved in the case sends a relevant document from the court at the registrar's address.