Domain Registration in the Registry for the Individual's or Organization's Name

1. Complete the form for the Service Agreement

2. Order services

You can make the order in
Manage your account section → Orders" or on home page

An order is processed if the funds in the Personal account of the Agreement are sufficient to cover all the services stated in the Order.

Important notes
Funds Allocation Priorities

3. Make a pre-payment on RU-CENTER account

To obtain any services you should just make a pre-payment of services with reference to the number of your form.
This action is enough for its acceptance.

Upon receipt of the registration order and payment for it RU-CENTER will:

  1. Register a domain name in the central database (Registry);
  2. Indicate as the Registrant the person, on which name the agreement with RU-CENTER has been concluded and the order has been received. Both individual and legal entity (organization) are eligible to conclude an agreement;
  3. Send a notification about domain registration to the administrative e-mail specified in the agreement.

In a few minutes upon registration you will be able manage the domain in "Manage your account → Services: My domains"

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