Domain Renewal

Domains are registered for a certain period of time. The domain must be extended until the registration deadline in order for the site to continue working.

Early domain renewal

You can extend the domain in advance, but not earlier than 2 months before the end date of domain registration. Notifications are sent regularly until the domain is renewed or deleted due to non-payment. It is important to keep the contact email address up-to-date in your personal account in the Account → Contract → Contacts section so as not to miss notifications.

Automatic domain renewal

By default, auto-renewal mode is set for all domains1, unless you have opted out of renewal. Funds for domain renewal are reserved (blocked) in the personal account of the agreement 8 days before the end date of domain registration. 1 day before the registration deadline, the funds are debited and the domain registration period is extended.

Early domain renewal

You can extend the domain in advance, but not earlier than 2 months before the end date of domain registration. To extend the domain ahead of schedule:

  1. Log in to your Personal Account using the contract number and password.
  2. In the menu, select Operations → Renew services.
  3. Check the box for the domain you want to extend, and click Renew. The domain will last for a few minutes if there are funds in the account. Payment methods.

Mass domain renewal

You can use mass renewal to extend an unlimited number of domains at the same time:

  1. Log in to your Personal Account using the contract number and password.
  2. In the menu, select Operations → Renew services.
  3. Check all the domains that you want to extend. In the Operations with selected services drop-down list at the bottom of the page, select Renew checked services and click Apply. Domains will last for several minutes if there are funds in the account. Payment methods.

Refusal to renew domains

If you refuse to renew the domain, funds will not be debited from the personal account of the agreement and the domain will not be renewed. Refusal is possible only until the domain is renewed, that is, if the domain registration period has not yet been extended. To cancel an extension:

  1. Log in to your Personal Account using the contract number and password.
  2. In the menu, select Operations → Renew services.
  3. Check the box for the domain that you do not plan to renew. In the Operations with selected services drop-down list at the bottom of the page, select Disable auto-renewal for dedicated services and click Apply. After the expiration of 30 days, the domain is cancelled and can be registered by any user.

Extending the domains of the world

The registries of the world's domain zones (.tk, .tv, .us, .bz, .eu, .cc, etc.) establish their own renewal rules. The peculiarity of the renewal of the domains of the world is that they are extended in advance — some are extended several weeks before the registration deadline. Information on the timing of the formation of an order for the renewal of world domains is published in Addendum 2 to Schedule for the Registration of Domain Names in domains around the world.

We are sending a notification about the need to extend the domain of the world to the contact e-mail specified in the contract application. This notification contains information about the date by which you need to top up your account to renew your domain. If the renewal is not paid before this date, the domain may be deleted from your personal account and unavailable for renewal.

If you have any questions about extending the domains of the world, please contact us at .

1 This condition is relevant only for contracts that are directly serviced by Rucenter. For contracts under management, automatic renewal is enabled in the personal account of the contract manager.

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