Domain transfer to Rucenter from another registrar with Registrant Change


To change domain ownership with transfer to Rucenter:

1. If a gaining registrant has no contract with Rucenter, he/she should fill out a form.

2. A losing registrant should notify the current Registrar about the domain transfer to Rucenter.

The form of notification is established by the Registrar.

The current Registrar should specify JSC RU-CENTER as the new Registrar.

  • for .SU domains - identifier RUCENTER-SU
  • for .NET.RU, .ORG.RU, or .PP.RU domains - identifier RU-CENTER-3LVL

3. A losing registrant should fill out and transfer to Rucenter the following originals:

4. A gaining registrant will be notified via contact e-mail about the domain transfer.

See also

"Registrant change" service for.SU domains is free.

.COM, .NET, .ORG and others

Registrar's change is not provided in the following cases:

  • 60 days have not passed since the moment of domain registration or Registrar's change;
  • the services for Registrar's unauthorized change have been enabled;
  • the domain is locked by the Registry.

If an international, foreign, or New gTLD domain name is suspended due to expiration of registration period and then renewed, it is recommended to initiate the registrar change no later than 45 days after the renewal. Otherwise, the one year added to the registration period at the time of renewal by the former registrar may be canceled by the Registry, and then after the registrar change procedure the total domain registration period will be increased by one year only, not by two.

To transfer domain to Rucenter from another Registrar together with ownership transfer:

1. If a gaining registrant has no contract with Rucenter, he/she should fill out a form.

2. A losing registrant should fill out and transfer to Rucenter the following originals:

3. Upon obtaining notification via e-mail, a gaining registrant should order and pay for domain ownership transfer to Rucenter.

4. A letter with the link to confirm domain transfer will be sent to the e-mail of the administrative contact (Administrative contact), specified for the domain maintained by the current Registrar. You should give your consent within 5 days by entering registry authorization code.

"Registrar Change" service for .COM, .NET, .ORG and other TLDs is provided on a payment basis.

As a result of domain transfer its registration term will be renewed for one year.

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