Domains monitoring

Domains monitoring is a service that provides the ability to monitor the status of domain names

Service allows to:

automatically analyze the status of domain names of interest;

receive notifications in the following cases:

  • domain is released
  • domain is registered
  • domain has entered stop-list or removed from stop-list (according to Rucenter stop-list)
  • domain has been auctioned, bought or removed from auction in Rucenter
  • domain is soon-to-release (for .RU, .SU and .РФ domain names and third-level domains)
  • domain is available as a premium domain
  • domain registration term has expired, not renewed.

You can:

add to monitoring up to 5,000 domains;

add/remove domains manually by editing the list;

load domain list as a TSV file.

You can configure the service in "Manage your account" panel → Contract → Notifications and mail campaigns → Domains monitoring → List monitoring.

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