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Rucenter Help (English)
General (service agreement, prices and payments, account)
Service Agreement
FAQ (Conclusion of a Contract)
How to conclude a contract with RU-CENTER?
How do I restore my contract password?
Where can I read the Service Agreement?
Can I conclude the written agreement via fax or email?
What documents are required to conclude an agreement for a legal entity?
What documents are required to conclude an agreement for an individual?
Do I have to specify the date when executing the written agreement?
Can someone other than CEO sign the agreement on behalf of the legal entity?
Is it obligatory to sign all the addenda to the agreement (schedules)?
How do I modify the data in the agreement (the form)?
What is accounting currency?
I've lost the original of the executed agreement. Can I have a copy of the agreement bearing the stamp of RU-CENTER?
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