Domain restoration is performed only upon request from the Administrator (owner) of this domain.

After the expiration of the domain name, the owner has 30 days to pay for it — the period of preferential renewal. After the end of this period, the name can only be restored upon request from the domain administrator.

For international, foreign and New gTLD domains, the recovery period is 25 days after the preferential renewal period.

For .ru, .рф, .su domains, as well as third–level domains, the recovery period is 30 days after the preferential recovery period. Prerequisite: enabling the reservation option.

After the domain registration period expires, the administrator can extend it for 30 days. If the domain has a reservation option enabled, then the owner will have 30 additional days to restore the domain.

The option is activated for free.

Learn more about domain reservation.

Domains that have not been restored are deleted from the Registry 35 days after the start of the deletion procedure for non-payment. After the domain is deleted from the Registry, the domain can be registered by any person.

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