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Rucenter Help (English)
Partnership Program
Partner Contract
Frequency Asked Questions for the signature of the Multiple Services Contract (NIC-REG)
How do I sign a contract with RU-CENTER? Where can I read the contract?
How do I restore my contract password?
Can I sign a contract in writing by sending it using fax or email?
Should I write the date when signing the contract in writing?
Do I have to sign all the addenda to the contract (schedules)?
How can I change my data in the contract?
What is the contract currency?
The original copy of the contract is lost. Can I receive a copy of the contract with RU-CENTER seal?
Is it in compliance with the Russian Civil Code provisions for an individual to sign a partner agreement (NIC-REG) with RU-CENTER? Which taxes are payable by an individual in this case?
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