Launch periods for new New gTLD domains

Priority Registration Period (Sunrise)
The Premium registration Period (Landrush)
Open registration period (General availability)

1. Priority Registration Period (Sunrise)

Owners of registered trademarks can participate in the Sunrise period of priority registration of new domains (New gTLDs). For this:

1. Enter the trademark information in the TMCH Depository and receive the SMD file.

The data verification procedure can take up to 20 days.

The cost of the service is 28,990 rubles/year.

Registration with TMCH

2. Place an order for the domain during the priority registration period.

To verify trademark rights, you need to download an SMD file.

Make an order

3. The domain will be registered at the end of the priority registration period. You will receive a notification about this by e-mail specified in the contract.

Regulations for priority domain registration under the New gTLD program

Tariffs for domain name services under the New gTLD program

2. The Premium registration Period (Landrush / EarlyAccess)

The period of registration of new domains at an increased price. Anyone can take part in this period.

3. Open registration period (General availability)

Domains are available for registration to everyone at the standard price for a domain zone.

Rules for domain registration under the new gTLD program

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