Transfer Request Form
Domain Name Transfer from Rucenter to Another Registrar from the Current Registrant
(name, surname)
(Number & issue details)
authorize Rucenter to transfer the below domain name(s)
(domain names without "www" prefix)
and the below relevant personal details required for domain names transfer: name and surname; postal address; year, month and date of birth; citizenship; number and issue details of my ID document; phone, fax numbers, emails to a new Registrar:
(full name of a gaining Registrar with his ID:
for .SU domains: -SU, for .NET.RU, .ORG.RU, .PP.RU domains: -3LVL)
for .SU domains: -SU, for .NET.RU, .ORG.RU, .PP.RU domains: -3LVL)
The number of Agreement with Rucenter No-__________________/NIC-D
(surname, name)