Notifications about access from new devices

To view all successful authorizations in your Rucenter account:

  1. Log in to your personal account.
  2. Go to the "Account" section → "Security settings" → "Devices and notifications".
  3. The "Devices and notifications" section displays a list of all devices from which successful authorization in your account occurred.

We recommend enabling notifications to the e-mail specified by the contract contact about the first login to your RuCenter account from unknown devices. This way, you will always be aware of when and from which device the authorization in your personal account occurred. To enable notifications:

  1. Log in to your personal account.
  2. Go to the "Account" section → "Security settings" → "Devices and notifications".
  3. Click "Enable".

If you delete a device from the list from which successful authorization was recorded, the next time you log in from it, you will be sent a notification to your e-mail again.

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