Online ownership transfer

For online ownership transfer a losing registrant should issue and submit to RU-CENTER the following documents:

If the application is already issued, online transfer will be effected under the following procedure:

1. A losing registrant should submit online transfer request.

2. RU-CENTER will send a security key to the losing registrant and send a link to the confirmation page to the e-mail indicated in the request (e-mail of the gaining registrant).

3. A losing registrant will inform this security key to the gaining registrant.

4. Within a 3 days' period upon request generation, a gaining registrant should enter this security key on the confirmation page.

Important! For online ownership transfer for a gTLD domain name, a gaining registrant must have a Whois contact under their agreement.

Ownership Transfer Denial Cases

Cost of "Registrant change" service:

  • For .RU, .SU, .РФ, geodomains, .COM, .NET, .ORG and other gTLD or ccTLD — 490 rub

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