Ownership Transfer for Managed Clients

To transfer the rights to the domain, the Domain Administrator must provide the original application to Rucenter. Within 2 working days from the moment of receipt, Rucenter will start the process of transferring the rights.

Confirmation of Domain Acceptance

A gaining party-a new registrant shall confirm its consent for domain acceptance through Rucenter web-interface in section "Operations" → "Registrant change".

"Registrant change" Service Payment

Service "Registrant change in .ru, .рф, .su, .net, .com, .org, .biz, .info, .cc, .tv, .me, .tel, .mobi, .name, .travel, .aero, .pro, .pp.ru, .net.ru, .org.ru, .com.ru, .exnet.su, .ru.net domains, geodomains and domain names under New gTLD Program" is delivered on a payment basis.
Payment shall be effected by a gaining or losing party.
All managed clients will be required to effect payment on behalf of the owner of the management agreement.

For payment of the "Registrant change" service it will be required to make a pre-payment to Rucenter's account and agree to funds withdrawal from the personal account for the "Registrant change" service in section "Operations" → "Registrant change".

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