Most .RU, .РФ and .SU-related domain disputes are reviewed with an involvement of RU-CENTER acting, in general, as a third party that files no independent claims as to the matter in contest.
The reason for RU-CENTER's, as well as any other Registrar's, participation in the domain-related litigations as a third party is that a judicial verdict to ban a domain name registrant (owner) from using in its domain name a plaintiff's trademark or any confusingly similar representation thereof provides, under the Terms and Conditions of Domain Names Registration in domains .RU and .РФ, a ground for an early disputed domain name cancellation and grants the plaintiff a preferential right to its registration.
Therefore, the Registrar submits to the court the domain ownership references, confirms or disproves the fact that a registrant is holding a domain name, can present to the court the "history" of a domain name, suspends a domain name from transferring for the duration of the proceedings, and performs any other actions specified for it in the Terms and Conditions.
However, recently RU-CENTER is being involved more frequently in the domain disputes as a defendant or a co-defendant. Inconsistency of any such claims is explained in the article "The Issue of Voluntary Compensation of RU-CENTER's Legal Costs Related to Domain Disputes" published on the website (available in Russian).