Suspending and Deleting Domains

  1. .RU, .SU .РФ Domains
  2. gTLDs, New gTLDs and Foreign ccTLDs Domains
  3. 3-rd Level Domains

1. .RU, .SU .РФ Domains

Suspending Domain Name due to Non-Payment

If the registration renewal fee for .RU, .РФ and .SU is not paid before the service expiry date, the service will be suspended on a day specified in paid-till field in the Whois service. If scheduled date of suspension falls on a weekend or a public holiday, the domain suspension will take place on a first business day after the weekend or a public holiday.

After the domain gets suspended all http-requests to this domain will be redirected to the "domain suspended" webpage. Registrants of .RU and .РФ domains wishing to refuse from redirection to this page will be required to submit a request in arbitrary form to before the expiry of domain name registration.

Within 30 days upon service expiration (within priority renewal period) the Registrant of a .RU, .РФ or .SU domain will still be able to pay the service renewal fee.

If the fee is paid, the service delivery will continue.

If the fee is paid on the last day of the priority renewal period, Rucenter cannot guarantee successful renewal.

Deleting .RU, .SU and .РФ Domain Names from the Registry due to Non-Payment

If the domain registration renewal is not paid for within 30 days after the registration expiry date (within priority renewal period), the registration is cancelled (the domain is released).

Scheduled Domain Release Date starts to be displayed in the free-date field of the domain information (Rucenter's Whois service) after the registration term ends.

Rucenter can delete a .SU domain anytime after the scheduled domain release date (free-date). Otherwise, domains are automatically deleted by the SU domain Technical Center.

Registration of .RU and .РФ domains cannot be canceled during the priority renewal period.

Date of domain deletion by the Technical Center

Technical Center deletes .RU, .РФ and .SU domains on the scheduled domain release date (free-date).

Technical Center will delete .RU, .РФ and .SU domains on the second business day after the scheduled domain release date, if the scheduled domain release date happens on weekend or a day after the weekend.

The domain deletion procedure in the Technical Center starts:

  • at 05:00 p.m. (MSK) for .RU and .РФ domains;
  • at 07:30 p.m. (MSK) for .SU domains.

Registration of Soon-to-Release .RU, .РФ and .SU Domains

A domain name backorder is accepted on the server in the "Manage your account" panel or on the server anytime before the domain is deleted from the Registry.

For .RU and .РФ domains the acceptance of the requests starts 30 days before the date of domain deletion from the Registry according to Domain Backorder Service in RU and РФ TLDs.

For .SU domains - anytime before the domain is deleted from the Registry according to Domain Backorder Service for SU, COM.RU, NET.RU, ORG.RU, PP.RU or Geodomains.

For .RU, .SU, .РФ domains — on the day of domain deletion from the Registry through web interface at In this case:

  • The request, during the processing of which the domain is considered free, will be accepted.
  • The person who submitted the request will be notified via contact addresses of all the actions performed.

.RU and .РФ Domain Cancellation Denial Cases

.RU and .РФ dоmain cancellation on the basis of the Registrant's request cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • If domain name registration period is over;
  • 30 calendar days have not passed since the Registrant had received administration rights from another person.
  • 30 calendar days have not passed since the Registrar change.
  • Rucenter requested from the Registrant the additional data that have not been submitted within the set period.

2. gTLDs, New gTLDs and Foreign ccTLDs Domains

Domain name delegation removal for non-payment

If service prolongation was not paid for before its expiration date, service provision is stopped for 30 days (domain name delegation is removed).

Within 30 days after the service expiration date it won't be provided to anyone, and the domain name Administrator will have an ability to pay for its prolongation. In case of payment the service provision will be continued.

Domain names removal from the registry in gTLD and foreign ccTLD

If registration prolongation is not paid for within 30 days after the service expiration date, Rucenter initiates the domain name removal procedure in the Registry.

The procedure of domain deletion from the Registry lasts 35 days, except for:

  • .HN domains with a deletion period of 15 days. Within this period no .HN domain may be redeemed or renewed
  • .NAME domains deleted upon 30 days after domain registration expiry
  • .KZ domains deleted upon 20 days after domain registration expiry

After that the Registry for 30 days sets the following statuses: for .NET, .COM, .CC, .TV, .AG, .BZ, .LC, .MN, .SC, .VC domain names - RedemptionPeriod, for .BIZ, .TEL domain names - Pending Delete, for .INFO, .ORG. .ME, .MOBI, .AERO, .TRAVEL, .XXX, .PRO domain names - PendingDelete Restorable. Domain name status may be viewed through Rucenter whois-service. The date of 30-days RedemptionPeriod (PendingDelete Restorable or PendingDelete) is specified in whois-service: in Updated Date field for.NET, .COM, .CC, .TV, .AG, .BZ, .HN, .LC, .MN, .SC, .VC domain names, in Domain Last Updated Date for .BIZ, .TEL domain names or in Last Updated On for .INFO, .ORG, .ME, .MOBI, .AERO, .TRAVEL, .XXX, .PRO domain names.

Within the RedemptionPeriod (Pending Delete or PendingDelete Restorable) the domain name may be restored and prolonged (except for .HN, NAME, .KZ) by the domain name Administrator's request.

If domain name has not been restored and prolonged, it will be removed from the Registry within 5 days from the RedemptionPeriod (Pending Delete or PendingDelete Restorable) expiration date. Within these 5 days (domain name status in the Registry PendingDelete) a domain name cannot be restored, prolonged or registered.

After the domain name is removed from the Registry, the domain name may be registered by any person.

Domain name removal by the domain name Administrator's will

If the service is paid for, its removal may be performed by an official letter from the Administrator. Money funds for cancelled services are not returned.

Service removal by a fax copy of the letter is not available and answers are not sent.

  • Letter from a legal entity (RTF)

Rules of drawing up letters

The letter should be brought to the office or sent by mail:

2/1, 3d Khoroshevskaya str., Moscow, 123308, Russian Federation
Regional Network Information Center (RU-NIC)

After Rucenter receives the official letter (only original letter is accepted) changes will be made in the database within two business days. Administrator will be informed about the fact of making the changes at the contact addresses, specified in the agreement.

After the Registrar initiates the domain name removal procedure in the Registry, the domain name will be released by the Registry only after 35 days:

  • for 30 days the domain name is in the RedemptionPeriod status (Pending Delete or PendingDelete Restorable). Within that term domain name may not be delegated and changing the domain name is prohibited; within that term the domain name may be restored by the Administrator;
  • for 5 days the domain name is in "PendingDelete" status. Within that term domain name may not be delegated and any activities with that domain name are prohibited (it can't be restoed, prolonged or registered).

3. 3-rd Level Domains

Cancelling Domain Delegation for Non-Payment

If the service renewal fee is not paid before the service expiration term, the service is suspended (delegation is canceled) next day after the date specified in paid-till in Whois service. .NET.RU, .ORG.RU and .PP.RU third-level domain registration service is suspended (delegation is canceled) on the date set forth in paid-till in Whois service.

If the scheduled date of domain disabling falls on a week-end or a holiday, the domain is disabled on the second working day after a week-end.

After a third-level domain name in NET.RU, ORG.RU, or PP.RU is suspended, all HTTP queries to the third-level domain are redirected to the website of the Administrator of second-level domains .NET.RU, .ORG.RU, .PP.RU - ANO "MSK-IX" - with the reasons for domains suspension.

Within a 30-day period after the service expiration term (priority renewal period), the Registrant retains the possibility to pay for its renewal. If payment is made, the service will be resumed.

During the priority renewal period, registration of a third-level domain in NET.RU, ORG.RU, or PP.RU is not subject to cancellation.

Rucenter is not responsible for successful processing of the renewal request submitted on the last working day of Auto-Renew Grace period.

Domains Deletion

A third-level domain registration will be canceled (the domain will be released), if it is not renewed within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the registration expiry date.

Scheduled Domains Release Date The domain is deleted one day after the scheduled domain release date, if the date of deletion (free-date+1) is not a holiday or a weekend, or the next day after a holiday or weekend (otherwise deletion is carried out on the second day after a weekend).

Third-level domain names in .NET.RU, .ORG.RU and .PP.RU are deleted by the Technical Center on the scheduled domain deletion date (free-date). Third-level domain names in .NET.RU, .ORG.RU and .PP.RU are deleted on the second working day after a week-end, if the scheduled date of domain deletion falls on a week-end or the day after a week-end.

Registration of Soon-to-Release 3-rd Level Domains through Rucenter

The requests for registration third-level domain names in geodomains or .COM.RU domain released from the Registry may be submitted at server in "Manage your account" panel, or at server anytime before the domain is deleted from the Registry according to Domain Backorder Service for SU, COM.RU domains and geodomains.

On the day of domain deletion, the request for domain registration is accepted only through the web interface at In this case:

  • Rucenter will accept the request that is being processed at the moment the domain becomes released.
  • The introduced changes will be notified to the Domain Owner through the contact addresses specified in the database.

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