In order to transfer the rights to a domain, the domain Registrant must file an original application to Rucenter.
Rucenter shall start transferring the rights within 2 business days of the receipt of the application.
Confirmation of consent to accept a domain
The transferee must confirm its consent to accept the domain via the Rucenter web interface in the user account in the Orders → Change registrant section. Either the new Registrant of the domain or the Registrant of the master agreement can do this.
Payment for Change of domain registrant
There is a fee for the Registrant change service in domains: .ru, .рф, .su, .net, .com, .org, .biz, .info, .cc, .tv, .me, .tel, .mobi, .name, .travel, .aero, .pro,,,,,,, in geodomains and under New gTLD Program.
Payment is made by either the transferee or the transferor. If you enabled the Multi-administration service, the money will be debited from the account balance of the master agreement.
To pay for the Registrant change service, it is necessary to make a prepayment to Rucenter and consent to debiting your personal account for the Registrant change service in your user account in the Order service → Change registrant section.