Version effective January 31, 2013

Schedule 1/25
to Service Agreement

January 31, 2013

DNS Servers Service Schedule

  1. Terms and Definitions
  2. General Provisions
  3. Service Delivery Terms
  4. Order; Order Execution Procedure
  5. Pricing
  6. Payments
  7. Service Renewal
  8. Changing Service Settings
  9. Specific Terms
  10. DNS-master Service
  11. Secondary Service

1. Terms and Definitions

Contractor - Joint Stock Company "Regional Network Information Center" (JSC RU-CENTER). The Contractor's web server is located at

Customer - a person or a legal entity which made an order to the Contractor for a DNS servers service.

Service(s) - one or several DNS servers services.

DNS - Domain Name System. The main purpose of the DNS is translating domain names into IP addresses and vice versa. The DNS is based on the hierarchical distributed database.

Domain - an autonomously administered area of the domain name space in the DNS.

Domain name - record ID in the DNS database usually presented as several labels separated by "." symbols.

Domain delegation - entering the list of DNS servers with technical information about domain (the zone file) to the DNS servers of top-level domains.

Zone (Domain zone) - a set of records about resources and domains of the next (lower) level located within a single domain.

DNS server - a program for storing one or more zones and processing requests to the DNS database.

Primary DNS server - DNS server for storing full source information about zone.

Secondary DNS server - DNS server receiving Zone from another DNS server.

Service validity term - the time frame within which the resource settings made by the Contractor, which enable their work as DNS servers, are valid. Service validity term is chosen by the Customer from the list specified by the Contractor during the process of ordering or renewing the service. Service validity term may be extended at the Customer's will pursuant to the procedure set forth in this Schedule.

Plan - a set of resources and services provided to the Customer by the Contractor, as well as their qualitative and quantitative features.

Service settings - plan and service validity term.

DNS-master Editor - web interface provided to the Customer by the Contractor for management of Zone configurations and DNS servers settings. The DNS-master Editor may be accessed using a password of the Customer's agreement at

Order - a request from the Customer to the Contractor in the format set forth by the Contractor, containing all necessary data for providing the service or renewing it and also for updating earlier submitted data.

Service Agreement personal account - information in its entirety regarding Customer's payments for the Contractor, and also services used by the Customer and provided by the Contractor. Any payment made by a Customer is added to the Personal account of their Agreement after the money has been credited to the Contractor's bank account and the Contractor has received from the bank a document identifying the payment.

Electronic payment system (e-payment system) is a system of software and hardware infrastructure for settling financial transactions between the Customer and the Contractor via the Internet.

2. General Provisions

2.1. The Contractor is operating under and in accordance with Licenses Nо-91877 dated 27.12.2011 and Nо-63980 dated 28.11.2008 issued by the Federal Supervision Agency of Communications for telematic communications services.

2.2. Changes to this Schedule related to introducing new and/or additional services become effective after publishing on the Contractor's web server.

2.3. A service order shall be deemed the Customer's consent with the terms of this Schedule.

2.4. The Contractor provides services for the Customer who has concluded a Service Agreement with the Contractor. The Contract concluding is preceded by the procedure of registering the Customer in the Contractor's database. In the process of registration in the Contractor's database the Customer on their own chooses and registers individual administrative and technical passwords, guarantees their confidentiality and is responsible for all actions performed using the passwords.

2.5. Providing data by the Customer for the Agreement conclusion

2.5.1. All data submitted by the Customer in the process of registration in the Contractor's database has to be authentic. If the Customer submits false information, the Customer's services may be cancelled.

2.5.2. The Contractor, in case of any doubts in authenticity of data provided by the Customer, is entitled to request additional data and/or request the confirmation of the provided data within the service validity term. The requests are sent via the standard communication channels to the Customer.

2.5.3. If the previously provided information is not confirmed and/or additional information is not provided within the term specified by the Contractor in the respective request, the Contractor may:

  • deny the Customer's order for a new service;
  • suspend the Customer's services;
  • deny the Customer's order for service renewal.

All specified restrictions can be lifted within 3 (three) business days since the time the Customer provides requested information.

In case the required information is not submitted within 30 (thirty) calendar days after the Contractor sends the first request, the Customer's services may be cancelled.

2.6. To transfer a DNS servers service to another person upon the Customer request, the Customer must provide the Contractor with documents which are published at the Contractor's web server.

2.7. The Customer shall follow the requirements of the Terms of Use published on the Contractor's web server at

2.8. The Customer agrees that they may be affected by the consequences of actions undertaken by the Contractor to prevent negative consequences of the third parties' activities interfering with the Contractor's system of services. In this case the Contractor in its activities is guided by the regulations of the Terms of Use and guarantees the Customer minimization of such negative consequences.

2.9. The ordering of a service indicates the Customer's agreement to pay for the service at the prices current on the day the processing of the Order begins.

2.10. The Contractor shall inform the Customer on the fact of service delivery by an e-mail sent to the Customer's address. If any motivated Customer's objections set forth in simple written form and sent by mail service failed to reach the Contractor's address within 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the date of the aforementioned Contractor's e-mail, the service rendered to the Customer by the Contractor shall be deemed accepted by the Customer.

2.11. The Customer cannot use the service for the purpose of engaging in any activities prohibited under the laws in effect in the Russian Federation, including dissemination and advertising of pornographic materials, appeals to violence, pursuing any extremist actions, overthrow of power, etc., as well as any activities running counter the public interest or the principles of humanity and morality, or offending the human dignity or religious feelings, etc.

2.12. In case the events specified in paragraph 2.11 occur, the Contractor has the right to suspend the service, with a one-time notification of the Customer thereof via the standard communication channels. Service validity term will not be changed in that case. The service may be restored after the Customer eliminates violation cause and addresses the Contractor via the standard communication channels.

2.13. The service may be suspended by the Contractor without prior notification of the Customer in cases which caused or can cause, at the Contractor's opinion, disruption or threat of disruption of the Contractor's services system functioning.

2.14. The Contractor is not responsible for the use of the domain name for which the services are ordered, or for the content of the information resources to which requests are redirected during the provision of the DNS servers services.

2.15. The total time the Contractor fails to provide the service shall not exceed 2 (two) hours per month. The total time the DNS-master web interface is not available shall not exceed 8 (eight) hours per month, provided the service is functioning normally.

2.16. In view of delivery of DNS servers services, for technology-motivated reasons, the Contractor is entitled to change network names and IP addresses of DNS servers with the service quality remaining unaffected.

2.17. If the Service is delivered for a domain delegated, without limitation, to the Contractor's DNS servers, and paid for under the contract entered into between the Customer and the Contractor, the latter is entitled, for technology-motivated reasons and provided the domain's functionality is not affected, to independently change the list of DNS servers for this domain and the NS records in the zone file.

2.18. The Contractor shall render only technically feasible services to the Customer. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor be liable to the Customer for poor quality of services hereunder due to any events or actions beyond the Contractor's reasonable competence and control, including, but not limited to quality of the Internet connection subject to quality of other providers' functioning and networking, policy of traffic exchange between providers, the Customer's hardware and software functioning. The Contractor shall be responsible for its own failure or poor quality performance of service rendering.

2.19. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor be liable to the Customer for the loss of revenue and other indirect damages incurred by the Customer arising from the Contractor's performance or non-performance of services. If the Customer has a documentary proof of any direct damage incurred by them, the Contractor's liability will be determined by the amount of the damage incurred by the Customer, but in no way shall it exceed the cost of services provided by the Contractor to the Customer for the damage period.

3. Service Delivery Terms

3.1. The Contractor provides the DNS servers service upon receiving from the Customer an Order which is ready to be processed.

3.2. The service shall be deemed provided if the Contractor's DNS servers respond to DNS queries about the domain listed by the Customer in the Service settings, while the domain name itself may be delegated to other DNS servers.

3.3. The Customer is entitled to deactivate the DNS servers service prior to its expiration date, in this case the Contractor executes total service blocking according to the paragraph 9.1 of this Schedule. In case the Customer deactivates the service, service validity term will not be changed, money will not be refunded. Service deactivation may be made by the Customer on the Contractor's web server in the "Manage your account" panel ("Services", link "Review and update data").

4. Order; Order Execution Procedure

4.1. Services are ordered on the Contractor's web server in the "Manage your account" section.

4.2. In the process of making an Order for the service, the Customer chooses the service settings on his own.

4.3. In the process of service ordering, the Customer is entitled to list in service settings the domain names not delegated to the DNS servers of RU-CENTER. Notwithstanding this, the service will be provided by the Contractor and will be deemed provided regardless of the performance of domain names listed by the Customer. After the DNS servers service is provided, the Customer may change the list of domain names using the DNS-master Editor.

4.4. If the DNS servers service is ordered together with the domain registration service (within the same order) and the domain name cannot be registered, the DNS servers service will be provided regardless of the result of domain registration service execution. In case of successful domain name registration, information on DNS servers required for provision of the DNS servers service will be automatically entered into the registry.

4.5. The Customer can terminate (cancel) the order for the DNS servers service on the Contractor's web server in the "Manage your account" section ("Orders") before the order implementation is started.

4.6. Order execution procedure

4.6.1. The order is considered ready to be executed and its execution starts under the condition that the Customer has an amount enough to pay for all services in the order on the Service Agreement personal account. Orders not executed within 3 (three) months are removed by the Contractor.

4.6.2. Order execution for services renewal has higher priority over order implementation for new services.

4.6.3. Orders for new services are executed on a first-come, first-served basis. The sequence in which the Orders are processed can be changed on the Contractor's web server in the section "Manage your account" (the link "Processing queue, order removal").

4.6.4. Service renewal orders for services which renewal has not been cancelled by the Customer are processed in the sequence in which their respective terms expire (the funds for a service which term expires earlier are allocated earlier), unless otherwise specified by the Customer using e-payment system. In this case, service renewal orders will be executed in the sequence established by the Customer in the e-payment system.

5. Pricing

5.1. Available number of zones and resource records depends on the service plan.

5.2. The service plans are published on the Contractor's web server at

6. Payments

6.1. Billing

Bill is formed by the Contractor after receiving the Customer's request for billing. Bills are requested via the Contractor's web server in the "Manage your account" section ("Payment", link "Recharge your account"). The original of the bill will be sent to the Customer by post, provided the Customer has a Service Agreement with the Contractor:

  • if the Customer is a legal entity or a sole trader - no later than 3 (three) business days after the Contractor receives the Customer's request for invoicing;
  • if the Customer is an individual - at the Customer's request sent via communication channels to the Contractor's service system.

A copy of the bill may be printed out by the Customer on the Contractor's web server in the "Manage your account" section ("Payment", link "Bills").

6.2. In case the service is cancelled before its expiration date, money paid by the Customer for the service will not be refunded.

6.3. The Customer's obligations for service payment will be deemed unexecuted, if the Contractor makes a refund upon the request of the payment system by which the Customer paid for the service. In this case the Contractor is entitled to suspend the service for the Customer from the moment of such refund.

7. Service Renewal

7.1. The registration renewal will be made by the Contractor if the funds on the personal account of the Customer's Agreement are sufficient to cover the service renewal and if there is no renewal cancellation from the Customer.

7.2. The Customer hereby agrees that the funds for renewing other services that are in use and which renewal has not been cancelled by the Customer, are allocated under the procedure specified in p. 4.6 hereinabove.

7.3. Money allocation on the Customer's Service Agreement personal account in order to renew the service is made no earlier than 8 (eight) calendar days prior to the service expiration date in the absence of refusal from the Customer to renew the service.

7.4. Money withdrawal from the Customer's Service Agreement personal account to pay for service renewal is made on the day of service expiration in the absence of refusal from the Customer to renew the service.

7.5. On the Customer's initiative, money allocation and withdrawal from their Service Agreement personal account for service renewal can be executed by the Contractor before the terms specified in paragraph 7.3 of this Schedule, but no earlier than 2 (two) months before the service expiration.

In this case funds allocation and withdrawal is made within 24 hours after the Customer's consent to pay in advance for service renewal is received by the Contractor.

The Customer may confirm their consent for advance renewal payment on the Contractor's web server in the section "Manage your account" ("Services", link "Renew services").

7.6. Order for service renewal is created by the Contractor automatically 2 (two) months before the service expiration date.

7.7. The Customer's failure to provide refusal for service renewal confirms their consent for renewal and money withdrawal to pay for the renewal from the Service Agreement personal account. Money withdrawal from the Service Agreement personal account is made according to the paragraph 7 of this Schedule.

7.8. The Customer may refuse to renew the service any time before money for the renewal is withdrawn. Renewal may be cancelled on the Contractor's web server in the "Manage your account" section ("Services", link "Renew services").

The Customer can reiterate its consent for service renewal at any time but no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days after the service expiration.

7.9. No later than 60 (sixty) calendar days before the end of service validity term, the Contractor notifies the Customer regarding the need for service renewal. The notification is sent by means of e-mail to the addresses specified in the Service Agreement.

7.10. The provision of a service will be suspended if it is not renewed by the Customer before the service term expiration.

7.11. The Contractor will terminate the provision of a service if the Customer fails to renew it within 30 (thirty) calendar days after the service term expiration. After this time, the Contractor will remove from its resources all the Customer's information and the service settings made by the Customer in the process of using the service.

7.12. In case the Customer renews the service within 30 (thirty) calendar days after the service expires, service validity term for the next period is calculated from the day of service renewal. In such case the Contractor deallocates the service within 1 (one) hour after payment for renewal arrives on the Customer's Service Agreement personal account, provided however that the Customer has not refused to renew the service. In this case, service validity term for the next period will be calculated from the date of service renewal.

7.13. If the Customer fails to set in the service renewal order the service settings for the next period (pursuant to paragraph 8 hereunder), this service, if renewed, will be rendered in compliance with the settings valid at the moment of its renewal.

8. Changing Service Settings

8.1. In order to renew the Service, the Customer may specify another service validity term the for the next period, other than current one, subject to the plan.

In order to change service validity term, the Customer should specify another service validity term for the next period in the renewal order any time before the service is renewed. The settings are made by the Customer on the Contractor's web server, in the "Manage your account" section ("Services", link "Renew services").

8.2. The plan may be changed either while the service is still valid or when the service is being renewed for the next period.

8.3. Plan change within the service validity term

8.3.1. Within service validity term, the plan may be changed only for a higher-priced plan; in this case the Contractor will charge plan-to-plan margin. The service validity term is thereby not affected.

8.3.2. Changing the plan within the service validity term may be made by the Customer by ordering "Plan change" service on the Contractor's web server in the "Manage your account" section.

Changes made by the Customer become effective within 1 (one) hour after they are entered, provided there's enough money available on the Customer's Service Agreement personal account to pay for the service.

8.3.3. The cost of the "Plan change" service is determined according to the formula:

C=(С2-С1)/Т*t, where:
C - plan-to-plan margin,
C1 - service fee under the previous plan for the service validity term,
C2 - service fee under the new plan for the service validity term,
T - service validity term,
t - time period from moment of plan change (including the date the plan has been changed) up to the service validity term expiration.

8.3.4. If at the time of ordering "Plan change" service there is not enough money available on the Customer's Service Agreement personal account to cover the cost of the service, cost of the service will be recalculated every day according to the formula described in the paragraph 8.3.3, until the moment the funds on the Customer's Service Agreement personal account will be sufficient to cover the plan-to-plan margin.

8.3.5. The Customer may cancel the order for plan change on the Contractor's web server in the section "Manage your account" ("Orders") prior to the beginning of order execution.

8.3.6. Orders for plan change not executed before the service is still valid will be cancelled by the Contractor.

8.3.7. After the plan change order is executed, the Contractor will automatically set the plan valid after the changes in the renewal order for the next period. The Customer may set another plan in the order for the service renewal, according to the paragraph 8.4 hereinbelow.

8.4. Plan change in Service Renewal for the Next Period

8.4.1. In order to change the plan in the process of renewing the service, the Customer should specify another plan for the next period in the order for service renewal any time before the service is renewed. The settings are made by the Customer on the Contractor's web server in the "Manage your account" section ("Services", link "Renew services").

8.4.2. In case the plan is changed for a lower-priced plan, the Contractor, after service renewal, compares the resources, used by the Customer's website with the resources stipulated by the lower-priced plan chosen by the Customer.

If the actual resource using exceeds what it is stipulated by the plan chosen by the Customer, the Contractor will inform the Customer about that via e-mail addresses specified in the Service Agreement.

If the Customer does not decrease the number of the resources used within 10 (ten) calendar days, the Customer will suspend the service.

The Customer's website is unblocked by the Contractor within 2 (two) hours after the Customer adjusts the amount of utilized resources to the chosen plan.

9. Specific Terms

9.1. In case the Customer violates the liabilities set for them by this Schedule, or in other cases stipulated by this Schedule, the Contractor has the right to block the service fully or partially, and the Customer is being informed about it via the e-mail addresses specified in the Service Agreement. If the service is blocked, service validity term will not changed, money will not be refunded to the Customer. Blocking the service means that the Customer's zones will no longer be stored on the Contractor's DNS servers.

9.2. If the service is already active for any domain name, such a service for the same domain name may be ordered only in case the Order was received from a Customer who is the registrant of this domain name, while the service provision for the previous Customer will be stopped.

9.3. Registrants of domains registered by JSC RU-CENTER have higher priority for storing zones on DNS servers.

9.4. DNS-master and Secondary services cannot be ordered both for the same domain name.

9.5. When service ownership is transferred, the service settings (zone configuration, DNS servers settings) may be transferred as well, unless they were deleted by the previous service Administrator.

10. DNS-master Service

10.1. DNS-master service means that the Contractor's hardware will be set up to work as primary and secondary DNS servers for a domain(s) listed by the Customer, and the Customer will be able to edit the zone and the DNS server settings using the DNS-master Editor,

10.2. To provide the service, the Contractor will use the hardware whose netname and IP address are published on the Contractor's web server.

10.3. The service shall be deemed provided after the Customer is given an opportunity to use the DNS-master Editor and the Contractor's hardware is set up to work as primary and secondary DNS servers for a domain listed by the Customer using the DNS-master Editor.

10.4. The Contractor's hardware will start working the way it was set up no later than 1 (one) hour after the service is provided.

10.5. The Customer may change the zone using the DNS-master Editor provided by the Contractor. The possible changes include:

10.5.1. List domain names for which the zone will be maintained (maximum number of zones is defined by the plan).

10.5.2. Add to the zone and change the contents of resource records for direct and reverse domains.

10.5.3. Change the list of IP addresses authorized for zone transfer from the Contractor's DNS server.

10.6. Changes made in the DNS-master Editor will be effective no later than 1 (one) hour after they are made.

10.7. The Contractor is not liable for the consequences of any errors made by the Customer when adding records to the zone.

11. Secondary Service

11.1. Secondary service means that the Contractor's hardware will be set up to work as secondary DNS servers for a domain listed by the Customer.

11.2. To provide the service, the Contractor will use the hardware set up to work as two secondary DNS servers whose netname and IP address are published on the Contractor's web server.

11.3. The service shall be deemed provided after the Customer is given an opportunity to use the DNS-master Editor and the Contractor's hardware is set up to work as secondary DNS servers for a domain listed by the Customer using the DNS-master Editor.

11.4. The Contractor's hardware will start working the way it was set up no later than 1 (one) hour after the service is provided.

11.5. The Customer may change the zone using the DNS-master Editor provided by the Contractor. The possible changes include:

11.5.1. List domain names for which the zone will be received from the primary DNS server.

11.5.2. Change the list of IP addresses authorized for zone transfer from the Contractor's DNS server.

11.6. Changes made in the DNS-master Editor will be effective no later than 1 (one) hour after they are made.

11.7. The Contractor is not liable for the consequences of any errors made by the Customer when adding records to the zone.

11.8. Essential Requirements for the Server Specified in the Service Settings as the Primary DNS Server:

11.8.1. DNS server must be configured as the primary or a secondary DNS server for the domain specified during service order according to the DNS standards, and must be connected to the Internet.

11.8.2. DNS server's settings must allow transfer of the zone of the domain specified during service order by the requests from the IP addresses of the Contractor's secondary DNS servers.

11.9. If, during the provision of the service, the Contractor finds errors in the configuration of the server indicated as the primary DNS server, the Contractor will notify the Customer thereof by e-mail via the standard communication channels.

11.10. Zone Transfer to the Contractor's secondary DNS Servers

11.10.1. The Contractor's DNS server will request the specified primary DNS server for zone transfer.

11.10.2. If the zone cannot be transferred by the Contractor's DNS server because the requirements defined in section 11.3 hereunder are not met, the Contractor's DNS server will repeat its requests for zone transfer for 4 (four) calendar days, whereupon the requests will cease. The Customer may prematurely promote zone transfer process by the Contractor's DNS server under the procedure published on the Contractor's web server in the Secondary service section.

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