Version from 22 October, 2012

Schedule 1/7-3
to the Multiple Services Contract

22 October, 2012

Landrush Registration Schedule in SX TLD

  1. Definitions
  2. General Provisions
  3. Registration Terms and Conditions
  4. Payments
  5. Registrant's Commitments
  6. Special Terms & Conditions

1. Definitions

1.1. Contractor - Joint Stock Company "Regional Network Information Center". The Contractor's web server is located at

1.2. Partner of the Contractor (Partner) - an individual or legal entity that has signed a Multiple Services Contract (a party under the Multiple Services Contract, NIC-REG index).

1.3. Applicant - a person, applying to the Partner for .SX second-level domain registration service in a Landrush period (a party under the Service Agreement, NIC-D index).

1.4. Customer - Partner of the Contractor applying to the Contractor for .SX second-level domain registration service in a Landrush period for the Applicant’s name.

1.5. Landrush Domain Name Registration means registration of second-level .SX domain names at the period of time and under the procedure as specified herein.

1.6. Registration Request means an application submitted by the Contractor (Accredited Registrar) on behalf of the Customer for the .SX second level domain name registration for the Applicant's name. Registration requests may not be assigned by one party to another.

1.7. General Availability means the .SX second level domain name registration under the procedure and terms and conditions set by the SX Registry SA company, and which is to come after the Landrush registration period. The preliminary starting date of the General Availability is 15 November 2012. The date of launching General Availability phase may be changed at SX Registry SA's sole discretion.

1.8. Registry Operator - SX Registry SA company

1.9. Auction - organizational activities to be held for the right to administer domain name, the requests for which have been submitted within the Landrush period, determination of the Auction Winner and vesting the Auction Winner with domain name owner rights.

1.10. Auction organizer -, Inc.

1.11. Auction Policy -

2. General Provisions

2.1. This Schedule sets forth the terms and conditions for providing second level domains registration services in SX TLD, and is based on and meets the requirements of the Registry Operator, SX Registry SA.

The Contractor shall act on the basis of an Agreement entered into with the SX Registry SA company - SX TLD Registry Operator.

2.2. In any respects, which have not been regulated hereunder, the Contractor and the Applicant (referred to hereinafter as the Parties) shall be governed by the below documents:

  • gTLD and foreign ccTLD Registration Schedule (Schedule 1/7 to the Multiple Services Contract);
  • gTLD and foreign ccTLD Registration Agreement.

2.3. The Parties hereto shall be committed to abiding by the provisions specified in the document entitled .SX Registration Policies, Terms and Conditions, its text being published in English on the SX Registry SA web server at:, and published in Russian on the Registrar's website. It is understood that the SX Registry SA shall be entitled to alter the said document on a notification basis. When construing the said document, its English version shall prevail.

2.4. This Schedule shall take effect on 22 October, 2012 and remain valid until 11 November, 2011 inclusive.

2.5. The company may adopt documents which set forth further .SX domain registration and renewal rules. The Contractor shall commit itself to publishing the links to said documents if and when any such rules are being published by the SX Registry SA.

2.6. If any provisions hereof run counter the provisions of the documents specified in para 2.2 of this Schedule, the provisions hereof shall prevail at construing.

2.7. A service order shall serve confirmation that the Customer agrees with the provisions of this Schedule and .SX Registration Policies, Terms and Conditions, as well as the procedure of their modification. An Service Order also indicates that the Customer agrees to pay for the service at the price effective at the date the processing of the Order begins.

3. Registration Terms and Conditions

3.1. Landrush registration requests for second-level .SX domains will be accepted from 22 October, 2012 until 11 November, 2012 inclusive.

3.2. The Customer may submit one or more Registration Requests during Landrush for any available .SX domain name.

3.3. Landrush requests may be submitted for any available .SX names, meaning names that have not been reserved, registered, awarded, restricted, or otherwise allocated prior to commencement of the Landrush period under the .SX Registration Policies, Terms and Conditions.

3.4. The SX Registry SA requirements to the .SX second level domain name:

a) the name is to be composed exclusively of letters A-Z (case insensitive), figures 0-9 and hyphens;
b) the name may not begin or end with a hyphen;
c) the name may not contain hyphens as its third or fourth characters simultaneously;
d) the name may not contain "_" symbol;
e) the name may not include more than 63 characters (aside from the top level domain extension); and
f) the name may not be composed of less than 3 characters.

3.5. The service of Landrush registration of .SX second-level domains for one year includes the application fee for a possible domain registration and the domain registration as such.

3.6. The application shall be evaluated by the Registry Operator. The Landrush registration service shall be deemed provided since the date, on which an answer is received from the Registry Operator, irrespective of the evaluation result.

3.7. Application procedure for .SX domain name registration complete with explanations is published on the Contractor's website.

3.8. In completing the application form the Customer shall specify Applicant's name, contact address and phone number.

3.9. The responsibility for correct and authentic data and name of the Applicant shall rest with the Customer.

3.10. After processing the request, the Registry Operator may refuse Landrush registration of .SX domain name because of the reasons envisaged by, Inc. in the SX Registration Policies, Terms and Conditions.

3.11. If two or more Registration Requests meeting all the requirements in place are received in respect of one domain name during the Landrush period, the positively evaluated requests shall be sent by the Registry Operator an auction to be organized by the, Inc. authorized Company. The auction policy is published on the auction organizer's web-server at

3.12. If the Applicant failed to become Auction Winner, the funds allocated for the Landrush registration will be released on the Customer's personal account and may be refunded by an official letter with specification of the recipient's details. If the Applicant became an Auction Winner, but failed to pay for the domain name as required by the Auction Policy, the allocated amount will be withdrawn from the Customer's personal account as payment for auction-related expenses born by the Contractor and Organizer.

3.13. The Contractor delivers the Service under the following terms:

a) the Customer has on his/her personal account a sufficient sum to cover the service. The procedure of personal account recharge is described on web-server on (in section "Pricing");
b) The Customer generated a preorder for the service on the Contractor's web-server - (section "My auctions");
c) the terms listed in subparagraphs (a, b) hereinabove shall be met by the start of domains registration in SX TLD.

3.14. The Contractor does not guarantee delivery of the Service to the Customer in the following cases:

a) if two or more requests have been submitted for the domain name registration and the Registry Operator puts the domain name to an auction;
b) domains registration in SX TLD has not launched yet, or suspended;
c) in other cases likely to hinder domain name registration based on a Customer's request.

3.15. Domain names registration under a single request or the domains auction for the right to administer a domain name, for which two or more requests have been submitted will take place after the General Availability period.

4. Payments

.SX application and registration fees within the Landrush period are specified in the Pricing Schedule (Addendum 2 to the Multiple Services Contract).

The payment procedure is provided in the documents specified in paragraph 1 hereof.

5. Registrant's Commitments

5.1. From the moment of record entry into the Registry (the Registrar will notify the Registrant thereof using e-mail) about vesting the Applicant with domain Owner rights, the latter will undertake all rights and obligations of the Registrant as stipulated by gTLD and foreign ccTLD Registration Schedule (Schedule 1/7 to Service Agreement).

The Registrant shall be committed to:

5.2. Refrain from using the domain name for the purpose of engaging in any activities prohibited under the laws in effect in the Russian Federation, including propagation and advertising of pornographic materials, appeals to violence, pursuing any extremist actions, overthrow of power, et al., as well as any activities running counter the public interest or the principles of humanity and morality, or offending the human dignity or religious feelings, etc. It is understood that the Contractor shall be entitled to assess all on its own the Applicant's activities as to these infringing upon the laws in effect, including any cases, when the definition of any such actions is not vested in the legally enforceable enactments. The pornographic material definition is published on the website at:

5.3. If the Applicant breaches the obligations set forth in para 5.2 hereinabove, the Contractor shall be entitled to suspend the domain name delegation. The domain name delegation may be restored after the Registrant remedies breaches of the provisions hereof.

6. Special Terms & Conditions

6.1. The Contractor undertakes to give a single notification to the Customer and Applicant on the fact of any modifications introduced via the communication channels, and simultaneously publish the said modifications on the Contractor's web server.

6.2. The modifications specified in section 6.1. hereinabove shall take an immediate effect on the publishing date.

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