Schedule 1/38
to the Service Agreement
Effective June 7, 2016
1. Definitions
4. Service Order; Order Implementation
Contractor (Gaining Registrar) means a Joint Stock Company "Regional Network Information Center" (JSC RU-CENTER).
Customer means a person that ordered the service on the purchase of Partner's Domain from the Contractor.
The service is provided for second-level .RU, .РФ, and .SU domains.
Partner's Domain means a domain that is sold to the Customer (purchased by the Customer) through the Contractor's web server (hereinafter, the "Contractor's Web Server") as part of this service.
Losing Registrar means a company (third party) that serves as the registrar of Partner's Domain before the Order implementation. The Contractor is not the Losing Registrar.
Order means the Customer's request to the Contractor in the form set by the Contractor, containing all necessary data for the delivery of the service on the purchase of Partner's Domain.
Price of Partner's Domain means the amount to be paid by the Customer for the purchase of Partner's Domain. In includes the Contractor's fee and applicable taxes.
Regulatory Documents means documents regulating emergence, transformation, and termination of rights and obligations of the current registrar and the registrant of Partner's Domain.
Regulatory Documents of the Losing Registrar, JSC Registrar R01, are published online at:
Note: Terms not defined herein are defined in the following documents: • Domain Registration Schedule in .RU and .РФ TLDs (Schedule 1/1 to the Service Agreement); • Domain Registration Schedule in .SU TLD (Schedule 1/5 to the Service Agreement);
2.1. When delivering the service on the purchase of Partner's Domains, the Contractor shall act pursuant to the Agency Agreement entered into by and between the Contractor and JSC Registrar R01.
2.2. By ordering the service on the purchase of Partner's Domain, the Customer consents to the terms of this Schedule and the provisions of Regulatory Documents.
2.3. The Customer confirms that its Order for the purchase of Partner's Domain constitutes the Customer's unconditional consent to receive registrant rights for the said Partner's Domain, and authorizes the Gaining Registrar to request the transfer of domain name sponsorship (registrar change) from the Losing Registrar to the Gaining Registrar (the Contractor) upon the expiration of the transfer restriction period set by the applicable Registry Operator (Coordination Center for TLD RU for second-level .RU and .РФ domains (official website:, and the Foundation for the Internet Development for second-level .SU domains (official website:, but no later than 60 (sixty) calendar days after the transfer of registrant rights to the Customer. When the Order is made, the Customer shall be deemed giving this consent and the Gaining Registrar shall be deemed so authorized by the Customer.
2.4. The service on the purchase of Partner's Domain shall be deemed provided after the Customer receives registrant rights for Partner's Domain; the Customer agrees that registrar change for Partner's Domain pursuant to Clause 2.3 hereof shall be made by the Contractor within the timeframe stipulated by Regulatory Documents.
3.1. The Contractor shall provide to the Customer the service on the purchase of Partner's Domain if there is an Order ready for processing in accordance with Clause 4.2 hereof.
3.2. The Contractor cannot ensure the delivery of the service to the Customer in the following cases:
a) Price of Partner's Domain has changed;
b) Partner's Domain was purchased by another buyer, including through the Losing Registrar, or reserved for the sale to another buyer;
c) for Partner's Domains in .RU and .РФ: the domain name registration will expire in less than 45 (forty five) calendar days; for Partner's Domains in .SU: the domain name registration will expire in less than 75 (seventy five) calendar days;
d) for any other reason beyond the Contractor’s control. In case of the said events, the service shall not be provided, and money allocated for the service in the Customer's Personal Account shall be released and made available for payments for other services.
4. Service Order; Order Implementation
4.1. The Customer shall make the Order for the service using the Contractor's Web Server.
4.2. The Order shall be deemed ready for processing and shall be processed if there are sufficient funds in the Customer's Personal Account to pay for the Order.
4.3. During the Order implementation, the Contractor shall change the registrant for Partner's Domain in the Registry and change the registrar in accordance with the Customer's instruction (Clause 2.3 hereof).
4.4. Within 3 (three) business days after the commencement of the Order processing, the Contractor shall transfer Partner's Domain to the Customer (ensure that an entry is made in the Registry saying that the domain name is registered in the name of the Customer) or notify the Customer that the Order cannot be implemented by sending an email to the Customer's contact addresses listed in the Agreement.
4.5. During the period when the Order is made by the Customer but is not ready for processing (in accordance with Clause 4.2. hereof), Partner's Domain from the Order can be purchased by another buyer or reserved for the sale to another buyer, in which case the Contractor shall notify the Customer by sending an email to the contact addresses listed in the Agreement.
4.6. The Order shall be canceled by the Contractor without processing in the following cases: a) the Order is not ready for processing (in accordance with Clause 4.2. hereof) 3 (three) months after the Contractor receives it; b) upon the occurrence of events specified in Clause 3.2 hereof. The Contractor shall notify the Customer of the Order cancellation by sending an email to the contact addresses listed in the Agreement.
4.7. The service on the purchase of Partner's Domain is a new service, not a renewal of the existing service.
4.8. The Customer can remove the Order that is not ready for processing in accordance with Clause 4.2. hereof on the Contractor's Web Server in the "Manage your account" section ("Orders" - "Processing queue, order removal").
4.9. Other payment, billing, invoicing, reporting, and money allocation issues are regulated by Addendum 4 to the Agreement.
5.1. The cost of Partner's Domain for residents and non-residents who have chosen the Russian ruble to pay for services under the Agreement shall be set in rubles and published on the Contractor's Web Server.
5.2. The cost of Partner's Domain for non-residents who have chosen the U.S. dollar to pay for services under the Agreement shall be set in U.S. dollars and calculated using the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Russia at the date of the Order submission.
5.3. Taxes shall be determined in accordance with the applicable laws of the Russian Federation.
5.4. The funds for the purchase of Partner's Domain shall be debited from the Customer’s Personal Account within 1 (one) business day after the service is provided.
5.5. If the service is not provided to the Customer due to the reasons stipulated in Clause 3.2. hereof, the funds allocated in the Customer's Personal Account shall be released and can be returned to the Customer on the basis of an official letter with the recipient's bank details, or can be used to pay for other services.
5.6. The Customer's payment obligations shall be deemed unfulfilled if, within 1 (one) calendar year, the Contractor makes a refund upon the request of the payment system used by the Customer to pay for the service. In this case the Contractor shall be entitled to suspend the service after of the refund, and use Partner's Domain at its own discretion.