RU-CENTER is now accepting orders for registration of new .health and .contact domain names.
Domain names in .health designed for projects related to healthcare are now available to anyone during the General Availability period for just RUB 8,590.
.contact domain names are an optimal solution for business websites selling goods and services and aimed at communication with their clients. Place an order for Landrush or General Availability .contact domain registration for just RUB 1,390
In addition, RU-CENTER is now offering a service for priority processing of lawyer requests for clients interested in quick elimination of domain name violations. The service allows you to save time on receiving information about domain registrants. Depending on the selected price plan, RU-CENTER will provide you with that information within 1–10 business days instead of 30 days as stipulated by the laws of the Russian Federation. Priority processing fee — from RUB 3,000.
Due to the changes, new versions of the following documents will come into effect:
Service Agreement
Addendum 1: Service list
Addendum 2: Pricing
Schedule 1/30-2: Landrush and General Availability Registration Schedule under New gTLD Program
Addendum 1 to Schedule 1/30-1: Rate Plans for Domain Name Services under New gTLD Program
Addendum 1 to Schedule 1/36: Discounts applied to retail rates for different types of services depending on the Status Category
Multiple Services Contract
Schedule 1/30-2: Landrush and General Availability Registration Schedule under New gTLD Program
Addendum 1 to Schedule 1/30-1: Rate Plans for Domain Name Services under New gTLD Program
Addendum 1 to Schedule 1/36: Discounts applied to retail rates for different types of services depending on the Status Category