DomainsHosting and serversSSL certificatesSitesSafetyFor large businessesPromoOther
by 26.65 USD/mo

Technical Specifications

Number of products
Facebook images
Site Pages
Facebook Like
Twitter Feed and Tweet This
Stock Images
Multi language
PDF Download
Google Maps
Dropbox files
Picture Gallery
Blog plugin
Advanced contact form
Disqus Comments
Sign Up Form
YouTube video
Aviary Image Editor
Template code modification
Сustom code
Google Analytics Menu
Ecommerce plugin
Free SSL certificate for 6 months when ordering from a year
PayPal Buy Now

Unlimited Website Builder plan

The Website Builder is a service for launching a professional online store. 

The Unlimited rate plan is perfect for creating online stores that carry a large number of products and services. 

It features unlimited disk space, an unlimited number of pages and products, and more than 140 professional designer templates. 

Everything you need for a quick start — a product upload from a CSV file, delivery and payment method setup (PayPal Buy Now, Yandex.Kassa, or wire transfer), an order form, and SEO setup with only a few clicks. 

Built-in online store analytics collects profit data and displays it in the form of comprehensible diagrams and reports right in the Website Builder panel.

The Unlimited plan features the website's integration with popular platforms: 

  • YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Yelp
  • SoundCloud
  • Dropbox
  • Google Analytics

To fine-tune your online store, you can utilize the HTML and CSS editing feature supported by templates and widgets.