24 March | New Domains in RU-CENTER

On March 24, 2016, RU-CENTER will start accepting applications for domain name registration in the .CLOUD, .EARTH, .PROTECTION, .MOE, .SECURITY, .SKI and .THEATRE TLDs.

The General Availability period will be launched in these TLDs, and anyone will be able to register a suitable domain name.

Due to the launch of domain name registration, the following documents will be modified accordingly:

Landrush and General Availability Registration Schedule under New gTLD Program (Schedule 1/30-2 to the Multiple Services Contract)

Pricing for domain name services under New gTLD Program (Addendum 1 to the Schedule 1/30-1)

Launch Dates of Domain Name Registration Periods Under the New gTLD Program (Addendum 1 to the Schedule 1/30-2)

Pricing for Names in Worldwide Domains (Addendum 1 to the Schedule 1/22)

Timeframes for making renewal order, allocation of money for renewal, and refusal of renewal in worldwide domains (Addendum 2 to Schedule 1/22)

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