RU-CENTER has started accepting applications for Sunrise, Landrush, and General Availability domain name registration in a new specialized top-level domain related to the radio industry — .RADIO. The domain name registration fee is RUB 27 590.
.RADIO domain names are available to the following categories of applicants on a priority basis:
Applications from these categories of applicants are accepted concurrently and will be processed after October 31, 2017. If several applications are submitted for the same domain name, the application that has been filed by the applicant who ranks higher on the abovementioned list will be processed. If several applicants in the same category apply for a single domain name, an auction will be held among them.
During the Sunrise period, domain names coinciding with the designations from the TMCH and applicants' names (in case of radio amateurs — their call signs), including their variations and abbreviations, will be available for registration.
Moreover, applications submitted by applicants from the abovementioned categories for Landrush registration of domain names coinciding with the names of certain products and services (for example, radio programs and models of radio equipment) will be accepted until October 31, 2017. These domain names will be registered after October 31, 2017 if no applications are filed for them by the end of the Sunrise period.
During the Sunrise and Landrush registration periods, the .RADIO Registry will be verifying the applicants and may request additional documents certifying applicants' rights to register domain names.
From November 15, 2017, the General Availability period for .RADIO domain names will be launched and everyone will be able to register domain names for projects related to the radio industry.
Due to the launch of domain name registration, the following documents will be modified accordingly:
Landrush and General Availability Registration Schedule under New gTLD Program (Schedule 1/30-2):
Addendum 1 to Schedule 1/30-1: