If you desire to pay in RU-CENTER for renewal of the domain that was registered by any registrar, you should undergo registrar's change procedure.
Once the registrar has been changed, the domain registration term will increase by one year.
Registrar change procedure will be suspended in the following cases:
Domain Maintenance Transfer Procedure
1. The Registrant should:
1.1. check domain status using WHOIS service. If your status is "clientTransferProhibited", please contact the current Registrant to allow registrar transfer.
1.2. get the authorization code of the registry from the registrant of record.
2. RU-CENTER partner should:
2.1. fill out a client's form;
2.2. order "Registrar change" service:
2.3. Transfer money for payment "Registrar change" service
3. RU-CENTER will block the money on the Partner's account and send the query to the Registrant's email (administrative contact) specified in the domain current WHOIS service data in field "Administrative Contact".
4. The Registrant (administrative contact) shall give his consent for domain transfer in RU-CENTER registration system. Registry's authorization code should be specified for confirmation.
If no response was received within 5 days, or incorrect authorization code was specified, Registrar' change will be canceled, the order deleted, the fees will be refunded to Partner's account and may be used for other services payment.
5. Upon receipt of registrant's consent, RU-CENTER will launch domain transfer procedure in the Registry.
6. The registrant of record may send a query to the registrant to confirm registrar's change.
7. Upon receipt of the consent, the registrant of record will confirm domain transfer in the Registry. The Registrant will transfer the domain to RU-CENTER and notify the registrars of the effective changes.
8. If the registrar has been successfully changed, RU-CENTER will send notifications to contact e-mail addresses in the Partner's contract. Domain registration term will be increased by 1 year. As such, total domain registration term shall not exceed 10 (ten) years.
9. If no registrar has been changed, the fees will be refunded to the Partner's account and may be used for other services payment.
The information on registrar's change status is available in section "Clients" - "Orders" - "Order's Archive" in service information "Domain name". Domain Registrar's Change".
Registrar's change procedure takes 7 - 10 calendar days.
For the details on changing .NET, .COM, .ORG, .BIZ, .INFO, .CC, .TV, .ME, .TEL, .MOBI, .NAME domain registrar, please refer to RU-CENTER administrative group on tld-ncc@nic.ru.