At request using the Rucenter web interface:
The transfer is made automatically within one hour of the request. The Registrant of services and the Registrant of the master agreement will be notified of the changes by email.
By application from the Registrant of an agreement under management:
Check with the Registrant of the master agreement for your password and ID. It is the same as your agreement number in the Rucenter database.
To transfer all services the Registrant of an agreement under management must submit an application:
A legal entity's application form for taking out all services from the master agreement.doc
General rules for writing letters
A copy of the letter can be sent to The transfer is performed within 2 business days of receipt of the letter.
To transfer part of services the Registrant of an agreement under management must submit an application:
A legal entity's application form for taking out part of services from the master agreement.doc
General rules for writing letters
A copy of the letter can be sent to The transfer is performed within 2 business days of receipt of the letter.